
Union members urged to take the ITF crew change survey

2 June 2020

Nautilus members are urged to continue to support the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) crew change survey being used to build a case for crew relief for thousands of seafarers.

Although a trickle of seafarers have been able to take charter flights to India and Sri Lanka, and some flights are being made from Manila in the Philippines which has lifted its strict lockdown, there are an estimated 200,000 seafarers globally in need of a crew change who still do not know when they will get home. Up to 2,500 Nautilus members are among them. 

Due to governments introducing restrictions on travel since Covid-19 coronavirus, these seafarers can't get home after months at sea.

An Honourable Company of Master Mariners survey reveals two distinct groups of seafarers being carved out from the coronavirus pandemic – those who are stuck at sea and forced to suffer extended separation from family, and those whose jobs are now at risk with little or no financial support from employers or government. Both groups are dealing with considerable stress and facing an uncertain future.

A Nautilus survey of UK members has also highlighted those seafarers falling between financial gaps. 

If you are one of these seafarers, the ITF wants to hear from you, so it can use your powerful story to tell governments to open their borders, and open their hearts to implement the changes necessary to give seafarers a much-needed crew change.

Please take five minutes to fill in this this confidential ITF survey, and your anonymised story could help make the case for crew change.


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