


Governments come under pressure at UN and ILO to designate seafarers as key workers

  • News
  • 09 December 2020

'Give MPs earache' with letter-writing campaign on pandemic pay and tax

  • News
  • 01 July 2020

Free maritime mental health support highlighted on International Day of the Seafarer

  • News
  • 25 June 2020

Canada introduces new two-step entry visa system for crew changes

  • News
  • 16 June 2020

Deadline day: UN calls on all countries to immediately facilitate safe crew changes

  • News
  • 15 June 2020

Unions lobby US Congress to end MSC gangway-up order

  • News
  • 15 June 2020

Hong Kong relaxes crew change restrictions

  • News
  • 12 June 2020
Nautilus news

Seafarer quarantine exemption 'certificate' released for UK arrivals

  • News
  • 11 June 2020
Nautilus news

New UK mandatory arrivals form rolled out

  • News
  • 09 June 2020
Nautilus news

Union calls time on governments using 'force majeure' to mask failures in pandemic response

  • News
  • 05 June 2020

Union members urged to take the ITF crew change survey

  • News
  • 02 June 2020
Nautilus news

International union pressure is getting results in crew change crisis, says Nautilus general secretary

  • News
  • 02 June 2020
Health and safety

Atlantic hurricane season will be 'above normal'

  • News
  • 29 May 2020

International maritime airline and labour agencies wade in for crew change action

  • News
  • 28 May 2020
Members at work

Add your voice – Nautilus member urges others to join the campaign on crew relief and repatriation in the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Telegraph
  • 22 May 2020
Health and safety

Take part in an ITF survey on health protection measures on-board ships in response to Covid-19

  • News
  • 21 May 2020
Members at work

No mandatory quarantine for seafarers in Britain

  • News
  • 21 May 2020

Seafarer and employers group calls time on crew changes

  • News
  • 15 May 2020

Seafarers take to social media in crew change plea

  • News
  • 11 May 2020

ITF keeps up pressure on free movement for seafarers

  • News
  • 30 April 2020
Members at work

Stranded seafarers should be airlifted home, says Union

  • News
  • 29 April 2020
Nautilus news

UK shipping minister pledges close working with maritime unions

  • News
  • 28 April 2020

Children say thank you 'ferry much' to crew and other essential workers

  • News
  • 28 April 2020
Members at work

Master Mariners speak out about Covid-19 concerns

  • Telegraph
  • 23 April 2020

Leave no-one behind: Fairness flagged for transport and other key workers

  • News
  • 22 April 2020

Fishers and inland waterways crew are key workers too, ETF tells Commission

  • News
  • 22 April 2020
General secretary message

Seafarers – our keyworker beacons in a global emergency

  • Telegraph
  • 21 April 2020

ITF calls for G20 taskforce to handle seafarer repatriation and crew changes

  • News
  • 21 April 2020

Shipping alliance supports global roll out of 'green lanes' for crew changes

  • News
  • 16 April 2020
Health and safety

Collective crew changes at designated ports needed to relieve 100,000 'fatigued' seafarers, says Union

  • News
  • 16 April 2020
Members at work

Nautilus and yacht partner help crew with visa extension during Covid-19 lockdown in Spain

  • News
  • 14 April 2020

EU urged to ease crew changes during coronavirus pandemic

  • News
  • 14 April 2020

Governments urged to identify seafarers as keyworkers during coronavirus pandemic

  • News
  • 14 April 2020

UK must bring home British crew stuck onboard Ruby Princess cruise ship

  • News
  • 08 April 2020
Members at work

A voice from the maritime community: 'Pay attention to seafarers now or regret it when pandemic shortages bite'

  • Telegraph
  • 03 April 2020
Health and safety

Nautilus urges Member States to follow new IMO guidance on crew changes and repatriation

  • News
  • 01 April 2020

Union welcomes easing of Singapore crew change restrictions

  • News
  • 01 April 2020
Health and safety

ILO calls for seafarer protection during Covid-19 pandemic

  • News
  • 31 March 2020

Plea for ship suppliers to be recognised as essential workers

  • News
  • 30 March 2020
Health and safety

Union calls for priority testing of key workers for coronavirus ahead of home testing kit hitting the high street

  • News
  • 25 March 2020

ITF demands global rights for transport workers during Covid-19 pandemic

  • News
  • 24 March 2020
Members at work

Social partners unite to protect maritime professionals during pandemic

  • News
  • 23 March 2020
Health and safety

Maritime professionals top of agenda as Union and social partners lobby for vital protections

  • News
  • 20 March 2020
Health and safety

Nautilus backs IoM move to exempt seafarers from travel restrictions

  • News
  • 18 March 2020
Health and safety

ITF green lights crew contract extensions

  • News
  • 17 March 2020