
Union's new Diversity Forum gets to work

8 January 2020

Nautilus International has created a new Equality and Diversity Forum to reflect how it is working and organising around women in shipping and diverse communities.

The new Forum, agreed by the Nautilus Council, was launched at the Union's General Meeting in Rotterdam in October 2019. It becomes the overarching umbrella group for the original Women's and Young Maritime Professionals forums and will meet twice a year.

Within each Equality and Diversity Forum meeting there will be dedicated spaces for the Young Maritime Professionals group and the Women's Forum. The Union remains committed to working with all the diversity strands and ensuring that there are safe online spaces for discussion.

The first forum meeting was at the General Meeting, and the first meeting of the new decade will be on 21 April at a location yet to be determined.

Members who have Facebook accounts can now also join the new Nautilus Women’s Group. This Facebook group is for female members of the Union only. Members of the group will be invited to share stories on relevant issues, discuss the growing impetus to encourage more women into the maritime industry, network and support each other.

The women's Facebook group is in addition to the Young Maritime Professionals Facebook group and the general Nautilus International members' Facebook group which are all for members only.

In future, the Union may also set up women members' and young maritime professionals' WhatsApp groups. Members can express their interest in joining this chat group by emailing the Union's head of strategy Debbie Cavaldoro at

Nautilus also remains committed to having a dedicated female organiser available who can deal with any workplace issues or provide advice to members who wish to speak to a female representative. Please contact Rachel Lynch on or email email address if unsure of who to approach.
