Nautilus news

Unions express solidarity with planned Greek Seafarer strike action

28 June 2019

Nautilus International has joined with other Unions in expressing solidarity with the Pan-Hellenic Seamen’s Federation (PNO) over its intention to hold a 24-hour strike on Wednesday 3 July at 00.01 hours.

All ships and ferries in Greece will remain in port on June 3.

PNO members are protesting the failure of collective bargaining discussions with Greek Shipowners’ Association of Passenger Shipping.

The agreement covers a 2% pay increase and proposals on the size and composition of crews – in particular a reduction in crew over Winter.

Greek Seafarers last went on strike in September 2018, when PNO called a 24-hour strike among ferry crews demanding a 5%pay increase after eight years of wage freezes.

Nautilus joined with The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) in supporting PNO's longstanding demand for Greek Passenger vessels to be adequately crewed based on contemporary real needs of the vessels concerned.

Nautilus International, the ETF and organisations affiliated to the ETF Maritime Transport Section extended their full support to PNO's demands and ensured PNO of their unwavering solidarity.
