Members at work

Union resources on workplace harassment highlighted at Monaco Yacht Show

25 September 2017

Nautilus will be discussing how to deal with bullying and harassment issues that may surface onboard superyachts at a special surgery being held for crew members during the Monaco Yacht Show.

The presentation will be held on Friday 29 September from 11:30 to 12:30 – as part of an Improving Working Life Onboard talk, one of a series of events being held by superyacht careers development and event organiser ACREW at its lounge in the iconic La Rascasse restaurant.

The Union has a stand within the lounge for the first time this year, where strategic organiser Danny McGowan will be presenting, and available during the week to speak to officers and crew about the benefits of Nautilus membership.

Mr McGowan said his presentation would discuss the differences between bullying and harassment, and the steps that officers and crew can take when they encounter either issue at work. The Union's resources on this issue such as our Protect and Respect guide, and video resources, are downloadable from our bullying and harrassment page.

Bullying and harassment can happen in any workplace, but at sea the effects can be far more profound. Most seafarers in the superyacht industry enjoy their working lives, but many people think that they need to "put up and shut up" with issues that wouldn't be accepted in any other workplace. Nautilus strategic organiser, Danny McGowan

'Nautilus wants to tackle this topic head on within the superyacht industry but will only be able to do so when seafarers join us and speak up about bad practice.'

Nautilus has been campaigning to eradicate bullying and harassment in the maritime workplace for more than 15 years. It has worked with the UK Chamber of Shipping, and European shipowners and unions to develop Guidelines to Shipping Companies.
