Nautilus news

Union embraces inclusivity with reinvigorated diversity agenda

9 October 2019

It's time for the diversity in shipping conversation to be broadened to include all those who may be at risk from discrimination and truly embrace inclusivity, Nautilus head of strategy Debbie Cavaldoro told the Nautilus General Meeting in Rotterdam.

Ten years ago, Nautilus formed the Women's Forum and Young Maritime Professionals and the Union is now being invited to discussions on a national, European and international level to address barriers to entry and encourage these groups to consider a career at sea. It is time the industry also addressed broader discrimination issues and make real changes.

'There is no point in encouraging more people to consider a career at sea if we are just paying lip service to equality,' Ms Cavaldoro said.

'The industry needs to be properly inclusive if it is to maximise the benefits of having a diverse workforce.'

Ms Cavaldoro called on Nautilus members to help the Union to take the lead in the next series of changes needed within the industry.

'We have proved that policies which support women and young people going to sea ultimately benefit all those working in the maritime industry. The same will be true for policies which support greater diversity.'

Nautilus member Dawn Franklin seconded the motion and said: 'Everyone has responsibility to take on diversity to improve the maritime industry.'

Nautilus Council member Jessica Tyson urged everyone to support the motion and said: 'Its reliant on everybody who is in the Merchant Navy fleet to let others know about opportunities in the maritime industry.'

Nautilus Member Malcolm Graves spoke on behalf of older seafarers who may have experienced discrimination based on age and urged all members to check their diversity policies at work.
