United Kingdom

Union continues to support members during latest lockdown

2 November 2020

Nautilus International has responded to the UK government announcement of a renewed lockdown from 5 November by reassuring its members that its continued support remains in place despite the challenges it represents.

The new lockdown will be in place from 5 November until 2 December, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on 2 November. However, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said that the lockdown could be extended if it took longer to bring the transmission rate down.

As of October 30, the R number range for the UK was 1.1-1.3. An R number between 1.1 and 1.3 means that on average every 10 people infected will infect between 11 and 13 other people. The lockdown is aimed at getting the R number down below 1, thereby halting the spread of coronavirus, which is increasing across the country in a 'second wave'. On 1 November, the UK recorded 23,254 new confirmed cases of coronavirus and 162 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said: 'We have been here before, and we can, and we must, respond as we did in the previous lockdown and maintain our essential support to our members – the essential key workers keeping the supply lanes open and moving 90% of everything.'

Following the latest advice from government most Union staff will return to home working. Nautilus will, however, keep all its offices open with a small number of staff in attendance.

Members can continue to contact Nautilus via the normal channels including emergency support provided via Nautilus24/7.

Members are reminded of the coronavirus resource pages available on the Union's website.
