United Kingdom

UK imposes 14-day quarantine for seafarers and bans ships travelling from Denmark following Coronavirus mutation

10 November 2020

The United Kingdom has imposed a mandatory 14-day quarantine on all citizens who have travelled through Denmark from 6 November.

The move is aimed at preventing transmission of a variant form of Coronavirus that mutated after interaction with farmed Mink.

The new requirements include seafarers and has resulted in the following Denmark specific requirements:

  • Any British Citizen or resident who has travelled through Denmark within the last 14 days and enters the UK will be told to isolate themselves and their household for 14 days
  • Any Foreign National will be denied entry into the United Kingdom if they have transited Denmark within the last 14 days
  • Exemption for non-UK resident freight drivers removed so those who have travelled from or through Denmark in the last 14 days can no longer enter UK
  • Passenger planes and ships travelling directly from Denmark, and accompanied freight, will no longer be able to land or dock at English ports
  • Anyone from the UK who arrives in England after 04:00 hrs 6 November after travelling from or through Denmark in the last 14 days – including HGV drivers after previous exemptions were removed – must self-isolate along with their household

Nautilus members who are experiencing difficulties related to the coronavirus pandemic are advised to contact their industrial organiser for assistance. In an emergency members can also contact the Nautilus 24/7 helpline or download our Fair Treatment App from the members only section online.

More help can be found on our Coronavirus resource hub.


