Health and safety

Stena Line U-Turn on pre-screening crew for coronavirus

13 March 2020

Gothenburg-based ferry operator Stena line has ditched plans to pre-screen crew for signs of coronavirus before onsigning across its passenger and freight ferry routes.

The European line with 37 vessels that connect 10 countries in Europe had planned to roll out mandatory health check questionnaires and therma scans for all crew.

'Given the recent unprecedented speed of Covid-19 issues coming about in our operations, it has been decided from risk management group not to release the questionnaires presently, neither for crew nor for passengers,' Stena Line group head of communications Pieter Sprangers said in an email communication.

'The situation is being monitored on an ongoing basis and this decision may yet again be altered going forward.'

Mr Sprangers said that some governments had imposed mandatory health questionnaires and health checks in ports where Stena Line operated. 'This is so far an isolated action but may well be spread to other ports as the situation develops.'
