Further resources have been launched for seafarers on staying safe onboard and coping strategies for extended tour of duties as the impact from the Covid-19 pandemic continues for crew.
Two videos from Marine Media Enterpises have been published on Google Docs in cooperation with the International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), Steamship Mutual, Colombia Ship Management, and Petronav Ship Management, as well as clinical experts.
The videos are Coronavirus – Stay Safe on Board and Coronavirus – Mental Resilience on Board.
It is important for seafarers to have regular contact with their family members at home online, and to create social times with other crew within the safe distance guidelines. Staying fit and healthy were also encouraged as coping strategies for stress and dealing with long periods away from home.
The Stay Safe on Board video has reminders of the various points of contamination on journeys, the need for constant cleaning, particularly of certain areas such as the galley, and the need for those who become infected to be isolated in a designated cabin.
In the case of a suspected infection the captain should radio ahead for advice, and the captain should also ensure a maritime declaration of health is prepared for the next port.
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