
Show your Pride in shipping with Nautilus

26 May 2018

Nautilus will be taking part in 2018's LGBT+ Pride parade in central London, on Saturday 7 July – and if you would like to join the team at the event, get in touch with the Union as soon as possible.

With diversity and inclusion remaining a standing item on agendas for the Young Maritime Professionals’ forum, attendance at Pride has become a regular event for members, staff and their friends. At last year’s UK branch conference members also ratified a motion to further develop the Union’s support for LGBT+ members.

This year marks the third year that Nautilus is sending a delegation to Pride event, and with spaces for 40 members and friends it is hopes that this the biggest demonstration of their commitment to LGBT+ equality yet.

Strategic organiser Danny McGowan commented: ‘It is important for LGBT+ people to know there is an organisation in the maritime industry, like Nautilus, that they can contact if they want advice or support.

‘Taking part in Pride in London helps us to demonstrate this, but it also helps us to show that the maritime sector is an inclusive industry that is open to everyone,’ he added. ‘We hope that members and employers across the industry will help us to demonstrate LGBT+ diversity in shipping by marching with us this year.’

If you would like to participate as part of the Nautilus group at Pride in London, or need more information, email: before the deadline of 14 June.
