Nautilus news

Shipowners urged to stock up on sanitary products during pandemic

8 December 2020

Nautilus is urging shipowners and operators to stock up on sanitary products for crew who may be onboard longer than anticipated due to the coronavirus pandemic.

With ongoing border closures and travel restrictions, some female seafarers may be onboard for many months longer than expected, leaving them at risk of running out of necessary articles.

The issue is aggravated by a lack of shore leave for restocking.

Sanitary products should be made available in medical lockers onboard vessels to save female seafarers having to pack enough supplies to see out their trip, the Union said.

Concerns over sanitary provision were raised at the Nautilus Equality and Diversity Forum, which includes the Nautilus women's group.

Any female members who are having difficulties with sanitary stock or disposal should contact the Union's dedicated female organiser immediately.

The Equality and Diversity Forum will next meet on 8 March 2021 for International Women's Day. 

Members interested in attending can contact:
