United Kingdom

Red Ensign Roll of Honour flies to record breaking high

30 August 2018

Seafarers UK is on track to break more records during this year's Merchant Navy Day, on Monday 3 September, due to a last-minute flurry of activity from local councils and other organisations, which will likely see the Red Ensign flying close to the charity's campaign target of 800 public buildings and flagpoles.

Nautilus will also raise the 'Red Duster' at its UK offices and take part in the Merchant Navy Day wreath-laying ceremony in London at the Merchant Navy Memorial on Tower Hill.

Now in its fifth year, the Red Ensign campaign in 2017 saw the Merchant Navy's official flag flying from civic and historic buildings and on flagpoles in some 650 prominent public locations across the UK – up from over 400 in the previous year.

Seafarers UK campaigns manager Nick Harvey said last minute activity this week, in response to the 10,000 letters it had sent out this year, meant the Roll of Honour has 'steadily climbed to a historic record' of 777 so far – including more than half of the London borough councils.

Nautilus backs the campaign by Seafarers UK to see the annual Merchant Navy Day being given greater recognition by local councils across the UK. Councils can signal their support by signing up to the Roll of Honour list, and Seafarers UK offers a free guide to taking part in the event, which is supported by the charity's president HRH The Earl of Wessex.

Any seafarers who are disappointed after the event that their local council has ignored the campaign letter should write to their councillors and urge them to support the event in 2019, said Mr Harvey.
