
Maritime charity column: our opportunity to innovate by Vicky Muir, Trinity House grants manager

31 July 2020

Looking back to January, few of us would have imagined the turmoil that was going to engulf the world and how this would affect individuals, families and their livelihoods. And while we all came to terms with the restrictions imposed on us, few members of the public, when watching the news or reading the paper, were reminded of the seafarers around the world dealing with confinement, uncertainty and isolation. Trinity House grants manager Vicky Muir reflects


As their needs became clearer, the maritime charity sector has pulled together to deliver the support that was urgently needed, as quickly as possible. Partnerships were forged, collaborative working imperative and we all stepped up to the plate.

This has been a defining moment on how we all move forward, and one that should not be lost. With lockdown starting to ease and life returning to whatever normal now looks like, the struggles that seafarers are currently enduring will not miraculously disappear.

Across the maritime charity sector, we need to be there for the long term to enable seafarers to get back on their feet. Once any crisis is over, it is easy to fall back into 'the way we have always done it'. I for one would be disappointed if this happened.

If there is to be a positive from this situation, it is to reflect on how quickly we all changed how we worked and how we can bring this into our future way of working. This is an opportunity for real innovation across the maritime charity sector to not only understand the needs that have arisen from this crisis, but the best way for us all to work together to meet them.

Trinity House has been supporting and safeguarding seafarers and their dependants for over 500 years, and we will continue to do so long into the future, as both a maritime charity and General Lighthouse Authority.

The maritime charity column is intended to be a regular feature in the Nautilus Telegraph. Submissions will be invited from a range of organisations by the Telegraph editor.
