Nautilus news

Nominations open for 2019 Nautilus Awards

19 March 2019

Nautilus members are invited to submit nominations for the Union's four highest awards to honour bravery, community activity, exceptional professionalism, boosting the profile of women at sea, and working to support other members.

The awards are:

Nevins and Griffiths Award

The Union's Council considers a wide range of criteria in determining this prestigious award, including:

  • acts of bravery
  • community work (broadly defined)
  • Nautilus activity
  • involvement in the wider trade union movement
  • academic or research achievement

The three most recent recipients for this award were:

2015 - Gordon Thompson, former Trustee Director, for his commitment to NUMAST and Nautilus over a period of 30 years.

2011 - Brian Orrell, former general secretary, for his work for the Union between 1973 and 2009.

2007 - Roy Hill, former Trustee, for his major contribution over 22 years to the work of NUMAST/Nautilus UK and also the Nautilus Welfare Fund.

Nautilus Award

Awarded by the Council for exceptional professional work by members, this award can honour any individual, group or organisation that the Council believes is appropriate.

The Nautilus Award is not a material reward but rather a conceptual one, reflected in an entry in a Book of Honour. The Council has now made 20 such awards, the most recent being:

2015 –the Officers and Crew of RFA Argus to recognise the professionalism of those serving in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and in particular to highlight the work of RFA Argus in its mission to support humanitarian relief in Sierra Leone and the fight against Ebola.

2011 – awarded to those waging a war against piracy and singled out the RFA; the crew of the UK-flagged tanker Tessa PG; the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) for its work in this regard; and all Nautilus members who continue to carry out their normal duties in high-risk areas whilst under the constant threat of attacks from pirates.

2008 - awarded to Captain Paul Robinson, chairman of the NUMAST Welfare Funds Committee.

Victoria Drummond Award

This award is presented to members whose achievements boost the profile of women at sea. The award is for the achievement in as wide a field as possible within the working environment of women members. Members should note, it is not a 'female only' award, or for acts which could be considered 'typically female'.

The following broad criteria may apply for consideration for an award:

  • being the first woman officer to achieve a certain level of marine or academic
  • qualifications
  • being the first woman to achieve a certain rank or position
  • having worked for the union, not necessarily in the field of women members
  • having worked for the promotion of the status of women
  • having performed some act of bravery or
  • having engaged in community work

The most recent recipients of the award were:

Dot Knight for her 40 years of NUMAST activities while working at the Port of London Authority, her work for the promotion of the status of women members e.g. being a role model in a male-dominated work environment and her services to the community.

Captain Emma Tiller for her ambassadorial role in encouraging women at sea. Emma first went to sea in 1989 as one of the first Trinity House cadets, attaining her Master’s Certificate in 1997 and becoming one of the first female members of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.

Captain Barbara Campbell for her distinguished maritime career and her volunteer and charitable work with the Sail Training Association and Jubilee Sailing Trust.

The General Secretary’s Award

This is a new award agreed by the Council to recognise the achievement of an activist such as a Lay Representative/Cadre Leden/Vertrauensleute who has shown exemplary determination and commitment to the Union’s goals and in support of their fellow members.

This award is open to nominations from members and staff. It will be awarded by the Council to an individual or individuals who regularly dedicate their personal time to the support of other members, often without reward or recognition. Nominations must include personal testimony which highlight the work and dedication of the nominee.

Nomination process

All nominations and supporting materials for the awards should be emailed to no later than Friday 31 May 2019.

The awards will be presented at the General Meeting, which will be held in Rotterdam during 8 to 10 October.
