Education and training

Nautilus takes part in talks on future-proofing EU maritime skills

18 June 2019

Nautilus International has taken part in working group sessions to drive forward an EU-funded project to future-proof skills in maritime transport.

The Union is one of 27 partners from 16 countries across Europe involved in the four-year 'Futureproof Skills for the Maritime transport sector’ (SkillSea) project. Backed by the European Transport Workers’ Federation and the European Community Shipowners’ Associations, the project aims to identify future needs for maritime skills at sea and ashore.

The project, which got under way in January 2019, has been given the goal of producing a sustainable skills strategy for the maritime sector and it will assess technological developments in ship operation and their effect on the industry's skills requirements. The research will also look into ways to overcome barriers to the mobility of seafaring labour and to improve cooperation between education providers, relevant authorities and industry.

Representatives from Nautilus and the European Transport Workers’ Federation were among the partners taking part in two working group meetings in Svendborg, Denmark, from 12-14 June 2019.

Professional and technical officer David Appleton, who attended with policy advisor Andrew Linington, said the groups looked at two packages - one considering current and future skills gaps, and the other looking at how to develop education and training programmes designed to fill these gaps. The working group sessions were followed by an all-partner meeting of all participants.
