Nautilus news

Nautilus takes its protest against Borr Drilling to Scotland

27 July 2018

Nautilus has staged a protest in Scotland against 'unfair' redundancies being made by Paragon Offshore's new owners, Borr Drilling.

A deputation of staff from Dutch-based Paragon Offshore, who are facing the loss of their jobs after the company was taken over by the Norwegian firm Borr Drilling earlier this year, demonstrated outside the company’s Aberdeen office, alongside representatives from Nautilus International and other members of the Offshore Co-ordinating Group (RMT and Unite).

Nautilus executive officer Sascha Meier - who attended the Aberdeen action - said a petition was handed over by two Dutch staff and a union representative to Borr Drilling's North Sea director Darren Sutherland and HR manager Karen Scott.

Ms Meier said they were told the petition – which calls for the company to improve the redundancy terms for the 70 offshore and shore-based staff losing their jobs - would be handed to the 'appropriate corporate level'.

Members are now being urged to register with the Union for further action being planned in The Hague - outside the offices of the company's main shareholder, Schlumberger - on 9 August.

'We made it clear today, from this action, that we will go on doing actions until we get a better redundancy offer,' Ms Meier said. 'We think that a multinational company like Borr should do better in redeploying their loyal workers, some of whom have been working with them for decades. But until now the company is not willing to redeploy, so we demand a better social plan from a company that has spent almost $1 billion on buying new rigs.'
