Nautilus news

Nautilus support for sister union BALPA action

10 September 2017

Nautilus International expressed support to the members of the pilots' union BALPA who were on strike for the first time since 1974.

Pilots at Thomas Cook walked out at in the early hours of Friday 8 September 2017, following nearly eight months of negotiations over a pay rise that was due in April.

'Going on strike is never a decision that is taken lightly, especially for union members like those of Nautilus and our sister union BALPA, who may never have undergone such action before,' said Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson.

However, when companies make huge profits yet refuse to listen to their staff and continually cut pay and slash their terms and conditions, there is no alternative. Nautilus general secretary, Mark Dickinson

Thomas Cook offered pilots a 1.5% rise in the face of a request from BALPA members for at least a real increase, and improvements to travel facilities, to bring pay and conditions in to line with other comparable airlines.

The dispute follows nearly eight months of negotiations and members finally decided to take strike action when two days of talks at ACAS broke down with no progress.
