United Kingdom

Nautilus seeks meeting with new UK shipping minister

22 January 2018

A new shipping minister was appointed in January 2018 as part of the cabinet reshuffle by [then] UK prime minister Theresa May.

Nusrat Ghani, MP for Wealden, becomes the second woman to hold the post and has replaced John Hayes - who served two spells in the job from July 2014 to May 2015 and from July 2016 to January 2018.

Nautilus has written to Ms Ghani to seek an early meeting to discuss 'the case for urgent government action to avert a forecast shortage of domestic maritime expertise and safeguard the future of the British shipping industry'.

General secretary Mark Dickinson said it was disappointing that the post had changed once again.

'If ever there was a role that required some continuity, it is that of the shipping minister, and it is a shame that it is so often subjected to a revolving doors approach,' said Mr Dickinson. 

'Recent experience suggested government understood that with John Hayes being given a prolonged stint,' he noted. 

The new minister is taking over at a critical time for British shipping and is inheriting an extremely full in-tray... Nautilus general secretary, Mark Dickinson

'We had time to establish a very positive relationship with Mr Hayes, and we hope we can quickly establish a constructive dialogue with the new minister,Mr Dickinson added. 'She is taking over at a critical time for British shipping and is inheriting an extremely full in-tray – with important decisions outstanding on the action points of the Maritime Growth Study, the application of the National Minimum Wage in UK waters, the introduction of the SMarT Plus improved training and employment support scheme, and the review of the current tonnage tax regime and the CEC system to name just a few.'

