Nautilus news

Nautilus official to represent maritime professionals at TUC Young Workers Forum

16 April 2021

Nautilus strategic organiser Martyn Gray has been elected to the TUC Young Workers Forum to represent the interests of Young Maritime Professionals.

The appointment was made at the annual TUC Young Workers' Conference & Forum held via video conferencing on 27 March.

The event was held online, which allowed for an extremely wide platform, and the conference was as inclusive and accessible as possible under the circumstances.

'I know of many young people who would not ordinarily attend such a conference that attended for the first time online and thoroughly enjoy the material covered,' Mr Gray said. 'The format being one of focused debates and pre-agreed panels lent itself to being extremely informative across a variety of topics impacting young workers such as insecure work, low pay and mental health support.'

A final decision is awaited on which motion will be endorsed for submission to TUC Congress in September. Nautilus was in support of all motions that progressed for consideration.
