Nautilus news

Nautilus official presented with ITF Gold Badge

18 October 2018

Nautilus international officer Nick Bramley has been presented with the International Transport Workers' Federation Gold Badge for distinguished service.

Mr Bramley, who has just retired from the Union, was presented with the award by ITF general secretary Steve Cotton in recognition of his outstanding and dedicated service.

Born and educated in the UK, Mr Bramley moved to Switzerland in the 1980s and worked for a publishing firm before taking up a post with the chemical workers' union. After a decade with them, he moved to what was then the VHTL union, which merged to become the Unia general union in 2004, where he took responsibility for seafarers, Rhine boatmen and river workers.

A passionate defender of the interests of inland navigation workers, Mr Bramley has served as president of both the ITF and European Transport Workers' Federation inland navigation sections. He has been active in securing decent wages, safe working places and respect for boatmen and boatwomen in Bangladesh, campaigning on behalf of tug crews in the Panama Canal and battling for better safety standards following terrible tragedies on domestic services in Indonesia and Russia.
