Nautilus news

Nautilus motion calling for further action on crew change passed by TUC

15 September 2020

A motion from Nautilus International keeping up the pressure on the UK government to tackle the crew change crisis was endorsed at the 2020 Trade Union Congress.

Introducing the issue, the Union set out that 'during the coronavirus pandemic countries closed their borders leaving around 300,000 seafarers globally unable to return home at their end of their contracts. This includes an estimated 2,000 UK seafarers who were stranded onboard as crew changes were cancelled.'

While congratulating the UK government for taking an 'international lead' on the issue, the motion calls for further 'work with unions and international organisations to seek improvements to global legislation and to close the loopholes which allow vital employment protections to be ignored at times of crisis'.

The motion also calls on the government to conduct a full review of the impact of the pandemic on the maritime sector and the nation’s resilience.

The motion was passed by an extended General Council, following the decision to move the 2020 Congress online.
