
Nautilus members urged to join TUC rally

11 April 2018

Nautilus members were urged to put on their walking shoes and join a TUC march in London time, supporting its demand for a 'new deal' for working people.

The march – which takes place on 12 May – will see thousands of people from trade unions, community organisations and political groups from across the UK take to the streets to protest at the fact that wages are on average lower now than before the economic crash 10 years ago.

Nautilus representatives will be taking part to draw attention to the Union's Jobs, Skills and the Future campaign and to show support for public sector workers – including many Nautilus members – who haven't had a proper pay rise in eight years.

Members wishing to take part in the Union’s demonstration in London can meet the Nautilus group at 1030hrs by St Paul’s Cathedral. From there, the group will join up with the march at its starting point at Victoria Embankment at 1100hrs and continue through central London to Hyde Park, where the rally will finish at 1600. For further information, contact your Nautilus official.
