Nautilus news

Nautilus members invited to register now for the General Meeting 2019!

18 March 2019

Registration is now open for the Nautilus General Meeting, the Union's major policy-making forum, which gives full members the chance to review previous progress, set priorities and to debate important issues that affect maritime professionals across all branches of the Union.

The General Meeting 2019 in October is taking place under the banner ‘Global Industry, Global Workforce, Global Union' — and we want you to be there!

Held every four years, the General Meeting is where the future agenda of the Union is determined. It is the place where full members get the chance to determine what policies and priorities Nautilus International should pursue. And this year, the General Meeting will be a day longer to allow plenty of time to debate the future of the industry and the Union.

The GM is a conference where you can share your views on the shipping industry and the issues that directly affect you at work, network with fellow seafarers and meet influential figures from the world of shipping and beyond.


The 2019 GM will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Rotterdam — with members assembling on the evening of Monday 7 October and departing on the morning of Friday 10 October.

The conference will feature a lively programme of presentations, debates, and speeches from a few leading maritime and trade union figures.

Attending the GM needn’t put members out of pocket either. Nautilus can provide assistance with travel and accommodation costs for up to 200 members, to ensure that the meeting is attended by a representative cross-section of full members.

Financial assistance for travel and hotel costs may be available on application to the Union. For further information, email Adele McDonald at

The Nautilus General Meeting is the Union's most important policy-making forum — a conference where members can debate the developments that affect them at work and decide on the policies and priorities that Nautilus should follow to address these.

Submit a motion

Full members can have an input into policies by submitting a motion to the General Meeting.

Members wishing to move motions at the meeting must submit them in writing, signed by at least four full members whose contributions have been paid up, to reach head office by no later than 1700hrs on Friday 5 July.

Make sure the things that matter to you are discussed at the 2015 GM in October. It is essential that the conference considers the critical issues that face the industry and the maritime professionals that work within it.
From pay and conditions to skill shortages and training, criminalisation to piracy, health and safety to shore leave, there is no shortage of subject matter!

This is your chance to help set the agenda for Nautilus over the years ahead.
Motions can be submitted by email to  but must be hand signed (electronic signatures are not permitted). Copies of forms to submit motion in hard copy will appear in the April Telegraph or can be downloaded from the members's General Meeting resources area.

Take part in your Union

This video gives a taster of what attending General Meetings is like.
