United Kingdom

Nautilus member questions Labour leader on support for maritime sector

15 September 2020

In response to a question from Nautilus member Chaynee Hodgetts, Sir Keir Starmer MP committed a future Labour government to supporting the UK maritime sector.

In a wide-ranging question and answer session after the Labour leader's keynote speech to the virtual Trade Union Congress, Ms Hodgetts asked: 'How can we capitalise on the UK's support for the maritime sector and UK seafarers throughout Covid-19 to encourage shipping companies to join the Red Ensign and UK Ship Register?'

Chaynee Hodgetts

In response, Sir Keir recognised the importance of the UK maritime sector, which he said 'contributes £46bn to the economy' and added that a future 'Labour government looks forward to working with maritime sector'.

The exchange followed a speech in which the Labour leader set out his concerns about the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that 'we face a perfect storm of the biggest health, economic and social challenge for a generation'.

In a new policy announcement, he called on the government to legislate to outlaw controversial 'fire and rehire' practices. He described the process, where people are given notice of redundancy and then hired back on reduced pay and conditions as 'not just wrong but against British values'.

He added that: 'These tactics punish good employers, hit working people hard and harm our economy. After a decade of pay restraint – that’s the last thing working people need, and in the middle of a deep recession – it’s the last thing our economy needs.'
