
Nautilus joins march for 'a new deal'

14 May 2018

Nautilus members, staff and officials joined a TUC rally in London calling for a 'new deal' for UK workers as research revealed that the current squeeze on wages is the worst in 200 years.

Tens of thousands of people marched to call for a higher minimum wage, a ban on zero-hours contracts and more funding for the NHS and other public services.

The event was staged as a report published by the TUC said salaries have now lagged behind inflation since 2008 and real wages are worth £24 a week less than a decade ago. They are not forecast to return to their pre-crash level until 2025, by which time the average worker will have lost out on around £18,500 in real earnings.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said the rally showed the growing pressure for a new deal for working people. ‘There is a new mood in the country. People have been very patient but they are now demanding a new deal for decent jobs, fair wages, to fund public services and for strong trade unions.

'You can't hand out bumper dividends to shareholders and cut workers' wages,' she added. 'You can't fill your boots in the boardroom and tell workers to tighten their belts, and you can't build world-class companies on the back of second-class rights. The greed has to stop.'
