Nautilus news

Nautilus International video message for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

17 May 2019

Nautilus International is supporting the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May 2019 and has taken part in a video produced by the International Transport Workers’ Federation to commemorate the day.

The day marks the anniversary of the World Health Organization’s decision to remove homosexuality from its International Classification of Diseases in 1990.

In recent years, LGBT+ matters have been raised by growing numbers of maritime professionals with Nautilus, which has led the Union to broaden its diversity and inclusion work.

At the ITF Congress in 2018, Nautilus supported a motion on the topic of global union federations working together for LGBT+ people and was pleased to see that there was no opposition to the motion. 

In 2019, in addition to attending the Pride in London parade on Saturday 6 July, the Union will be presenting a motion to the TUC LGBT+ Conference, calling for support for all maritime and other cross-border workers whose sexuality could have an impact on them in the countries they visit.

Nautilus international organiser Danny McGowan said: 'When we look at some countries it is often easy to be complacent and to think that "equality" has been achieved but people still face discrimination and hatred, with many of them remaining silent.

'In many parts of the world it is still illegal to be LGBT+ and for some Nautilus members that can make life at work or in their ports of call very difficult.

'It is therefore important for Nautilus to support initiatives like the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the LGBT+ motion at ITF Congress 2018 and our presentation at the UK’s TUC LGBT+ Conference.

'Developing our own work for LGBT+ men and women - and for all groups vulnerable to discrimination – is essential to provide ongoing support to the members of our global union, who make up a global workforce in a global industry.'

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Register for Pride in London

Time is running out to register to attend Pride in London with Nautilus on Saturday 6 July. If you would like to attend, please email

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