Health and safety

Nautilus expresses support for the crew of Seatrade cargoship held by pirates

10 September 2020

Nautilus has expressed support for crew of the Seatrade cargoship Water Phoenix which was attacked by pirates off the coast of Nigeria on 8 September. 

Two crew members were kidnapped and Seatrade is awaiting contact from the kidnappers in order to get them released. Seatrade is in close contact with their family members to support them in this difficult time.

Nautilus NL executive officer Sascha Meijer said: 'A horrible situation for everyone involved and especially for the two kidnapped seafarers and their families. As Nautilus International we sympathise with the crew and their relatives. I have been in touch with the company and offered help and support where we can.'

Seatrade spokesman Cor Radings told national NPO Radio 1 that security on the Water Phoenix unfortunately that didn't help enough in this case.

'Sometimes piracy is aimed at the cargo of ships, especially oil tankers. And sometimes crew members are kidnapped, then they try to negotiate a ransom,' he said.

The company's Emergency Response team works around the clock and liaises with local and international authorities.

Fortunately the remaining 16 crew were unharmed; there are no Dutch seafarers among them. The ship was brought to the port of Lagos under navy escort. It was already on its way there when the pirates attacked.

The Water Phoenix sails under the Liberian flag. The vessel was on its way from IJmuiden to Lagos when it was attacked.

Groningen-based Seatrade from specialises in refrigerated and frozen shipping.
