Nautilus news

Nautilus elections: your Union, your Council

18 August 2020

2021 will see elections for the Union’s leadership. If you have good ideas for the future of your Union and the maritime industry, now is the time to put them into action by standing for the Council.

Full members of Nautilus are invited to stand for election to the Nautilus Council.

Nautilus International is a democratic membership organisation. Its governing body is the Council, which has 32 elected members representing the various categories of maritime professionals.

Following changes to the Union's Rules at its General Meeting in October 2019, all positions elected in 2021 will be for a two-year term. During the transitional two-year period, further elections will be held in 2023 to harmonise Council seats for a new five-year period.

Twenty-three places are reserved for members of the UK branch, eight for members of the Netherlands branch, and one from the Switzerland branch.

Image: Nautilus elections 2021  table
Table showing the number of seats, membership categories and vacancies for 2021

The table shows the number of seats, the membership categories and the vacancies which are for election in 2021. The table also shows the split between the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK.

Paid-up members (including cadets) in categories for which there are vacancies are entitled to stand for election.

Please use the table to check whether there is a vacancy in your category and then download the candidate nomination form by logging into the My Nautilus membership resources area.

You will need to get four other full members – also paid-up and from the same national branch as you – to add their names, addresses, membership numbers, signature and date of signing, to reach head office by 17:00hrs Monday 23 November 2020.

If you can't personally get the signatures of your supporters (they may sail on different ships, for instance), fill in the top half of Form A yourself and send it to head office. Ask your supporters to fill in Form B and send it in separately – all forms for Council elections must reach head office by 17:00hrs Monday 23 November 2020.

All eligible full members will also be sent Council and GS election nomination papers by Monday 21 September 2020.


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