
Maritime charity column: Rolling out the new Covid-19 vaccine at Mariners' Park by Mick Howarth welfare services manager Nautilus Welfare Fund

10 December 2020

I'm writing this as the Pfizer Coronavirus vaccination starts to roll out across the country. It's a momentous step forward back to some sort of normalcy for society and very much needed at the end of this very trying year.


Residents of care homes, older adults and their carers are top of the priority list to get the vaccine, following front line NHS workers and patients. The first vaccinations of our Care Home residents were completed in December and the second injections are scheduled for January. Also, our Care Home staff have commenced vaccinations, and these too will be completed in January. We hope the vaccine is affective and will enable our residents to enjoy a full life again surrounded by family and friends once again.

In the meantime, the Care Home is taking part in a pilot of the rapid Lateral Flow Tests. This will allow visitors to be tested, and if negative, visit their loved one in the Care Home.

Whilst the vaccine process is underway, we continue to protect our Care Home and Park residents. Since the end of November, all Care Home staff have been tested weekly. And from the end of December staff testing will be twice weekly, and residents will move to weekly testing – a welcome development.

Another welcome development is the easing of restrictions over the Christmas period. Families across the country can be reunited once more and I am sure many will take full advantage to be with loved ones after this testing year. But do remember the more vulnerable members of society, the elderly and the unwell. The pandemic is still with us and we must all continue to do everything we can to protect those we love.

Follow the government advice: Hands, Face, Space. And if you're worried about a loved one, then caution might prove the best option this holiday season.

The maritime charity column is a regular feature in the Nautilus Telegraph. Submissions are invited from a range of organisations by the Telegraph editor.
