
Members urged to support seafaring careers promotion

14 February 2018

Nautilus members are being invited to support a special initiative to encourage more young people to consider becoming a seafarer.

Careers at Sea is sponsoring a whole day during this year's National Careers Week (5 to 10 March 2018). Dubbed 'Tidal Tuesday', it aims to showcase the opportunities opened up by maritime qualifications.

Nautilus members, shipping companies, and schools and youth groups across the country are being urged to get involved by spreading the word about the shipping industry and seafaring careers.

'We are delighted to be sponsoring Tidal Tuesday during National Careers Week 2018 and highlight an industry that is so vital to the UK but largely unheard of,' said Merchant Navy Training Board training and careers manager Fena Boyle, who coordinates the Careers at Sea initiative.

'We need more Careers at Sea Ambassadors across the country to give talks to inspire a new generation to consider the maritime sector,' she added. 'With the extra numbers of cadets now needed to meet the SMarT Plus targets, this is a great opportunity to spread the word.'

For more information visit the UK Chamber of Shipping and search for national careers week.
