
Love is in the air as Nautilus celebrates biggest ever presence at Pride in London 2019

9 July 2019

Nautilus has celebrated its fourth consecutive year at the Pride in London festival with its biggest ever presence – and its first ever wedding proposal.

Some 70 people marched in solidarity with LGBT+ members and seafarers through central London on Saturday 6 July.

Union members and officials were joined by V.Ships cadets, Seafarers UK, UKSA, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and the ITF Seafarers Trust.

'Taking part in Pride in London is a small part of the ongoing work done by the Union with our partners to improve diversity and inclusion for LGBT+ people in all areas of maritime,' international organiser Danny McGowan said.

'Attending the event is an essential part of that work as it allows the Union to demonstrate to the maritime world that consideration must be given to the issues faced by LGBT+ people – and all groups vulnerable to discrimination – throughout their working lives.'

Nautilus flag waving Pride 19.jpg
Flying the flag for Nautilus at London Pride 2019
Taking part in Pride in London is a small part of the ongoing work done by the Union with our partners to improve diversity and inclusion for LGBT+ people in all areas of maritime

Nautilus has been working hard to support and assist LGBT+ members for many years, alongside other supporting Unions. In 2018 Nautilus backed a motion at the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) Congress calling for more work to promote diversity across workplaces worldwide.

The Union has also supported the TUC's survey into LBGT+ harassment at work.

The Nautilus 24/7 emergency service is available for all members to contact should they be faced with an issue that requires immediate assistance.

In addition to this, diversity recently became a standing item on the agenda of the Nautilus Young Maritime Professionals forum, open to all members aged 35 and under, which has also led to people feeling more able to speak about matters that they may have felt unable to speak about before.

'We have seen a growing number of members approaching us reporting issues they have faced relating to identifying as LGBT+,' Mr McGowan said.

Some 70 people marched in solidarity with LGBT+ members and seafarers

'We don't necessarily believe this to be a result of an increase in issues, but an increased willingness to talk about such issues following our push on speaking out about LGBT+ rights.'

One Nautilus member wowed the crowd at Piccadilly circus with a public proposal of marriage to his partner. The lovebirds have been dating for three years, he told the crowd when he popped the question. And the answer: 'Yes!'.

#PrideInMaritime and #PrideInNautilus.
