
Huskies bring a sleigh-load of Christmas love to Mariners' Park

10 December 2018

Pet therapy in the form of huskies brought some special comfort and joy to retired seafarers, their families and staff at the Nautilus Welfare Fund’s annual Mariners' Park Christmas light switch-on.

Four huskies - Binny Boo, Stormy, Thunder and Thor - attended the ceremony for turning on the Christmas tree lights at the Mariners’ Park care home. A sleigh display was also a welcome new addition this year, and was donated by one of the carers, Michelle Best.

The huskies, who are registered Pets as Therapy dogs (PAT) with Therapy Huskies, which was founded by Adrian Ashworth and his partner Claire Day in 2017, after both of their fathers were diagnosed with dementia.

The pair realised their four huskies, mum Stormy and her three pups, Thunder, Thor and Binny Boo, were reacting differently to the two men, who were still in the early stages of diagnoses.

Mr Ashworth said: 'Thunder knew beforehand. When my dad first started to forget things, he would kiss him and sit at his feet.'

The dogs, who are walked by their owners 10 to 15 miles every day, have touched the hearts of hundreds of people on their visits around the UK. It was their second visit to Mariners’ Park since May and no doubt they can’t wait to welcome them back again.
