Nautilus news

General secretary outlines key priorities for Nautilus members on Tapiit Live TV

1 April 2020

Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson has outlined the Union's key priorities for 2020, which focus on jobs and training for members, alongside the core industrial work it does to support members and agree collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) with owners.

Alongside that core focus, the Union is taking a longer-term view with its '2030 vision', which involves adapting to the impact of technology on the maritime industry and the changing demographics of Union members.

'The 2030 vision will shift the Union's thinking around these big disrupters we see coming, whether it be technology, whether it be digitalisation, or the demographics of members,' Mr Dickinson told Tapiit Live TV. 'Younger members have different needs and expectations and aspirations and we need to speak to them. Our organisation needs to reflect that new generation.'

Tapiit Live is part of Tapiit Maritime, which helps seafarers locate certified maritime training globally.

Seafarers can book training courses in 42 countries via the portal, as well as travel arrangements and accommodation.

Nautilus members will be given 1.5% cash back when they book a course via the platform.

Watch the full Tapiit Live interview here.


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