United Kingdom

Fly the flag for seafarers on Merchant Navy Day 2020

3 August 2020

Nautilus members are encouraged support the annual initiative to promote merchant shipping and seafaring by encouraging their local authorities to the fly the Red Ensign in support of Merchant Navy Day on 3 September.

Now in its sixth year, the Red Ensign campaign by Seafarers UK sees the Merchant Navy's official flag flying from about 1000 civic and historic buildings across the UK and on flagpoles in prominent public locations.

Nautilus members can encourage their local councils and other public bodies to Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day from civic buildings during the day. 

The Merchant Navy Day website currently shows a 'Roll of Honour', listing all those councils and local authorities that the charity believes will be supporting its 2020 campaign.

Nick Harvey from Seafarers UK said: 'In view of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we are not encouraging them [organisations] to hold flag-hoisting ceremonies this year. But the symbolic act of hoisting a Red Ensign on a civic building – and promoting that via local and social media – is a great way to say 'thank you' to merchant seafarers.'

