
Female feedback needed for industry diversity manual

10 September 2020

Female Nautilus members were invited to share their experiences of shipboard life to help colleagues understand the challenges they face.

The information is being collected in an anonymous online survey which will feed into the next edition of Anglo-Eastern's Gender Diversity booklet.

As well as involving Nautilus members, the project will include input from WISTA International (the professional body for women in shipping), Anglo-Eastern Ship Management Ltd, the International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

First published in February 2018, the Gender Diversity manual addresses critical social, cultural, and interpersonal issues that can obstruct the productivity of a shipboard team.

Aimed at sensitising junior and senior officers to the challenges female seafarers may face, the booklet addresses a wide range of issues from sexual harassment and bullying to negative attitudes.

The online survey, which asks questions regarding attitudes, discrimination and harassment, is open to all active female seafarers. Results from the survey will influence the second edition of the manual, which the collaborators hope to present at the International Maritime Organization before the end of 2020.

  • The anonymous online survey is now closed
