
DFDS signals seafarer redundancies on three vessels

17 August 2020

DFDS Ferries has signaled its intention to make redundancies across its seagoing ranks, launching employee consultations early August.

The ferry operator plans to cut 24 jobs including three third officers, three ABs, six fourth engineers, six electro technical engineers and six fitters/HRMs across three vessels.

It also plans to cut 42 onboard services jobs.

One crew member who asked not to be named said they were really worried about the outcome of the talks.

DFDS postponed its first Union consultation meeting planned for 8 August due to overwhelming passenger demand from holidaymakers in France seeking to return to the UK before a mandatory 14-day quarantine was implemented at 04:00 hrs on 9 August.

The meeting will now be rescheduled.

In April DFDS unilaterally imposed a pay freeze on all seagoing and shore staff and announced it would furlough employees under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS).
