Nautilus news

Deadline looming for Nautilus Council elections

14 October 2020

The deadline for nomination to the Nautilus Council is fast approaching, and members should apply before it is too late.

Nominations must reach head office by 1700hrs on Monday 23 November 2020.

The Council is made up of serving maritime professionals, each normally elected to serve a five-year term.

Following Rule changes agreed in 2019, all positions elected in 2021 will be for two years.

Twenty-three of the 32 places are for members of the UK branch, eight places are for members of the Netherlands branch, and one place is for members of the Switzerland branch.

Full paid-up members including cadets are entitled to stand for election in categories for which there are vacancies (see below). 

2021 Council election positions are for a two year period.

First, check there is a vacancy in your category. Then log into the My Nautilus area of this website to fill in the application forms.

All forms must reach head office by 1700hrs on Monday 23 November 2020.

When each candidate's correctly completed and signed nomination form is received by Nautilus International, the candidate will be contacted with a request to provide a 120-word election statement. All statements must be received by Tuesday 1 December 2020. If you miss this deadline, your statement will not appear in the election statement brochure that goes out to all voting members.
