

United Kingdom

MacKenzie takes on virtual Kiltwalk for seafarers charity

  • News
  • 19 April 2021

New study highlights negative psychological impact of remote rotational work

  • News
  • 14 April 2021

Solace for older seafarers

  • Telegraph
  • 12 April 2021

Exhaustion at sea research: a member responds

  • Telegraph
  • 17 March 2021

Sanitation: breaking down the barriers at sea

  • Telegraph
  • 15 March 2021

Senior industry figures warn of looming recruitment crisis after pandemic

  • Telegraph
  • 05 March 2021

Ben Gibbons joins Maritime Charities Group

  • Telegraph
  • 17 February 2021

Online fundraiser brings in over £2,000 for seafarer welfare support

  • News
  • 01 February 2021
Nautilus news

Nautilus seeks clarity on seafarer exemptions from UK hotel quarantine

  • News
  • 29 January 2021
Health and safety

Crew Matters app with links to Nautilus launched by Isle of Man Ship Registry

  • News
  • 14 January 2021
Health and safety

Crew Matters app with links to Nautilus launched by Isle of Man Ship Registry

  • News
  • 14 January 2021

Wanted: memories of maritime LGBT+ group Shore Leave

  • News
  • 08 December 2020

Care Ashore centenary celebrations postponed but not forgotten

  • News
  • 08 December 2020

Short term pain, long term change

  • Telegraph
  • 25 November 2020
United Kingdom

'Crisis of trust': STUC report on worker mental health and employer responses during Covid-19

  • News
  • 17 November 2020

Latest Seafarers Happiness Index report shows mix of hope and despair as crew change crisis lingers

  • News
  • 03 November 2020
Health and safety

'The Crew Mess': yachting's first addiction support service launched

  • News
  • 15 October 2020

Seafarers UK highlights severe financial challenges faced by British fishing communities

  • News
  • 05 October 2020

ITF issues crew change warning to Atlantic Container Line at Liverpool

  • News
  • 11 August 2020

Unions cooperate to repatriate sick seafarers

  • News
  • 20 July 2020

Shipwrecked Mariners' Society launches £1m Covid-19 support fund for working-age seafarers

  • News
  • 06 July 2020

Crew welfare debate for Day of the Seafarer dominated by pandemic crew change crisis

  • News
  • 26 June 2020

Mercy Ships marries maritime and medical

  • Telegraph
  • 23 June 2020

Keep safe online at sea during the pandemic

  • Telegraph
  • 08 June 2020

Superyacht crew welfare toolkit fundraiser motors into life

  • News
  • 08 June 2020

Stella Maris pandemic survey uncovers looming financial crisis for developing-world seafarers

  • News
  • 01 June 2020

A coordinated effort by Swedish officials successfully enables crew change in Barcelona as European border restrictions put brakes on freedom of travel

  • Telegraph
  • 22 May 2020

New Stella Maris rose reminder for charity's centenary year

  • News
  • 18 May 2020
Health and safety

How to access long-term medications during pandemic

  • News
  • 13 May 2020

We'll meet again – VE Day 2020 at Nautilus Mariners' Park

  • Telegraph
  • 07 May 2020

House of Lords hears of maritime charities' work supporting keyworkers and their families

  • News
  • 30 April 2020

Maritime charity column: the peaks and troughs of funding seafarers' welfare by Catherine Spencer, chief executive officer of Seafarers UK

  • Telegraph
  • 23 April 2020
Health and safety

Nautilus helps produce topical new guidance on seafarer wellbeing

  • Telegraph
  • 15 April 2020

New variety of rose to help gardeners support seafarers

  • News
  • 09 April 2020

The committees who care – a look at Britain's port welfare committees

  • Telegraph
  • 10 March 2020

Herald of Free Enterprise chaplain honoured for 50 years of service to seafarers

  • News
  • 30 January 2020
Health and safety

Union calls for coordinated approach to people smuggling following lorry deaths

  • News
  • 25 November 2019
Health and safety

Shipping industry urged to act as study reveals high levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts among seafarers

  • News
  • 21 November 2019

Nautilus ITF inspector raises concerns over traumatised crew after fatality on Dutch-flagged cargo vessel

  • News
  • 11 November 2019
Nautilus news

Put people at heart of regulation, Nautilus International members tell IMO

  • News
  • 09 October 2019

New Zealand fines Captain and Chief Officer for giving false information

  • News
  • 03 October 2019
Health and safety

Cargo ship banned from Paris MoU ports over insufficient food for crew

  • News
  • 18 September 2019

A day on the decks with a Nautilus/ITF inspector

  • Telegraph
  • 11 September 2019

Singapore celebrates Day of the Seafarer with new drop-in centre and gift hampers

  • News
  • 11 July 2019

Planning your workplace pension – information from the leading UK maritime pension provider

  • Telegraph
  • 02 July 2019