
maritime charity column

United Kingdom

Maritime Charity Column: Inspiring the next generation – Vikki Muir, grants manager, Trinity House

  • Telegraph
  • 09 May 2021

Maritime Charity Column: Helping seafarers to thrive – Catherine Spencer, chief executive, The Seafarers' Charity

  • Telegraph
  • 12 April 2021

Maritime charity column: Mercy Ships UK – we will never take seafarers for granted

  • Telegraph
  • 02 March 2021

Maritime charity column: Look to the future with hope – Alexander Campbell OBE, chief executive, Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest

  • Telegraph
  • 05 February 2021

Maritime charity column: Martin Foley, chief executive officer/European regional coordinator for Stella Maris on its pivotal role

  • Telegraph
  • 08 January 2021

Maritime charity column: Rolling out the new Covid-19 vaccine at Mariners' Park by Mick Howarth welfare services manager Nautilus Welfare Fund

  • Telegraph
  • 10 December 2020

Maritime charity column: A time for hope by Melanie Warman director of media and advocacy at the Sailors' Society

  • Telegraph
  • 17 November 2020

Maritime charity column: physiotherapy resumes free of charge to crew by Sandra Welch chief executive Seafarers Hospital Society

  • Telegraph
  • 16 October 2020

Maritime charity column: Taking stock by Mick Howarth, welfare services manager Nautilus Welfare Fund

  • Telegraph
  • 16 September 2020

Maritime charity column: When times are tough by Justin Osmond, Shipwrecked Mariners' Society chief executive

  • Telegraph
  • 12 August 2020

Maritime charity column: our opportunity to innovate by Vicky Muir, Trinity House grants manager

  • Telegraph
  • 31 July 2020

Maritime charity column: still a long way from normal at Nautilus Mariners' Park by Mick Howarth, Fund welfare manager

  • Telegraph
  • 04 June 2020

Maritime charity column: life from a distance by Melanie Warman, Sailors' Society director of media and advocacy

  • Telegraph
  • 19 May 2020

Maritime charity column: the peaks and troughs of funding seafarers' welfare by Catherine Spencer, chief executive officer of Seafarers UK

  • Telegraph
  • 23 April 2020